Brain damaging habit 8 of 10: Lack of Social Interaction
Our brain functions best when we have opportunities to
socialize with others. The lack of social contact can lead to depression,
feelings of loneliness, and even affect our ability to remember things.
Children who don’t get enough social contact with their parents and peers are
more likely to develop psycho-social problems. In adults, a lack of social
integration can also lead to forming bad habits such as drinking and drug
People who rarely talk may end up suffering from mild brain
damage. This is because the brain cells tend to become dormant, making it
shrink in size. On the other hand, indulging in intellectual talk stretches the
brain, strengthening it in the process. This is essential as far as brain
development and growth is concerned. Thinking is like exercise to our bodies.
The deeper the thoughts, the more the brain ‘muscles’ are exercised and the
better your brain develops.
Maintain a good circle of friends and don’t shy
away from social gatherings/ functions. Whatever you do, keep your brain
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